IOL with +3 D add has better intermediate vision results compared with previous model
ROME — While maintaining the near and distance vision of the previous +4 D model, the +3 D add power Alcon AcrySof ReSTOR lens provides improved intermediate vision, according to a prospective, randomized 6-month study presented here.
A total of 279 patients between the ages of 44 and 85 years underwent bilateral implantation with either the +3 D model (141 patients) or the +4 D model (138 patients).
"Comfortable reading distance was about 3 to 7 inches further away with the +3 D lens compared with the original +4 D lens. Average uncorrected near acuity was excellent with both models, averaging 20/25," Stephen F. Brint, MD, said at the annual joint meeting of Ocular Surgery News and the Italian Society of Ophthalmology.
The real difference was in intermediate vision, which is a known weak point of the +4 D model.
"The +3 add power narrows the distance between the peaks of near and distance vision and therefore improves intermediate vision. Results demonstrated up to a 1.5 line improvement in intermediate vision with the +3 D add IOL compared to the +4 add," Dr. Brint said.
No significant difference in distance vision was noted. The average visual acuity results were good for both lenses.
When looking at combined distance, intermediate and near visual acuity, 95% of +3 D patients were 20/40 or better for all distances, compared with 65% of the +4 D patients.
"Difference in percentages (favoring the +3 D IOL) relates to the improvement in intermediate vision, which allowed a higher proportion of patients to attain 20/40 or better 'functional' range of vision," Dr. Brint said.