August 06, 2002
1 min read

Intacs removal does not affect BCVA

WASHINGTON — Removal of Intacs implants appears to be safe, according to data from the U.S. trials of the device.

Of the total of 684 eyes implanted with Intacs (Addition Technology) during Food and Drug Administration studies, 46 eyes had the refractive implants removed. Removal was not associated with a loss of more than two lines of best corrected visual acuity or induction of more than 1 D of astigmatism or myopia, researchers said. A return to preoperative values was seen in most cases.

Researchers here and elsewhere analyzed data from 41 eyes that had undergone Intacs removal and had reached the 3-month post-removal date. Of these eyes, 73% returned to within 0.5 D and 97% returned to within 1 D of baseline spherical equivalent. All patients returned to within 1 D of preoperative astigmatism values, and 88% returned to within 0.5 D. No patient lost more than two lines of BCVA.

The study is published in the August issue of Ophthalmology.