Institute of Medicine report: CMS should adopt P4P forMedicare
The advisory group suggests gradual implementation, with voluntary participation for small practices.
A new report from the Institute of Medicine urges the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to adopt a pay-for-performance approach to reimbursement. The current payment system does little to improve or maintain the quality of Medicare beneficiaries’ health care, the report said, and therefore it should be replaced by one that rewards good performance.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, titled “Rewarding Provider Performance: Aligning Incentives in Medicare,” makes the case for gradually replacing the existing fee-for-service payment system with a system that attempts to reward improvements in quality, generally referred to as pay-for-performance or P4P. The report details a number of funding scenarios and recommends rewards for clinical quality, patient care, efficiency, performance improvement and excellence. It also suggests shifting and increasing rewards as providers reach new performance benchmarks.
The IOM’s study was sponsored by CMS and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The IOM, a part of the National Academies, is an independent body that provides evidence-based advice to policy makers and the public.
“The overall quality of health care delivered to Americans is worse than it should be,” the report begins. “The existing [payment] systems do not reflect the relative value of health care services in important aspects of quality … . Fundamental changes in approaches to health care payment are necessary to remove impediments to and create incentives for significant quality improvement.”
Medicare reimbursement does not vary with the quality of the care that patients receive, a summary of the IOM report on the National Academies’ Web site points out.
“The current system pays for treating injury and illness — and encourages use of new, high-tech interventions — but it does not generally reimburse for preventive services such as patient education. Nor does it pay for coordinating the care of patients whose conditions involve multiple providers, and it offers no incentives to improve patients’ overall health status,” the summary says.
Phase in P4P
A number of P4P-type programs have been launched by private-sector insurers in recent years, but few of them have been assessed in published studies, the IOM report noted. The Department of Health and Human Services and the CMS have implemented demonstration P4P projects that have shown promise, the report said.
“Some of these projects have begun to show that providers respond positively to payment incentives that promote and reward quality improvement practices, but it remains unknown whether the improvements seen will be significant and sustained,” the IOM report said.
“Because Medicare’s current fee-for-service payment system does little to promote improvements in the quality of health care for the program’s 42 million beneficiaries, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) should gradually replace it with a new pay-for-performance system for reimbursing participating health care providers,” the report said.
Because little is known to date about the effects of P4P on quality of care and because of the cost and difficulty of recording and storing the complex data involved in these efforts, a “gradual transition” from fee-for-service to P4P is called for, the IOM said. Large providers with the resources to participate in P4P should be required to do so as soon as it is launched. Smaller practices should be allowed to participate voluntarily for the first 3 years, the report said.
“Given that pay-for-performance does not yet have an established track record, the new system should be phased in, so that involved parties can build on successes along the way and avoid unintended negative consequences,” the report said.
Still, providers must be aware that P4P is not the only way to ensure quality health care, the IOM said.
“We should remember that pay-for-performance is just one part of the solution,” said Steven A. Schroeder, the chairman of the IOM committee that produced the report. “Other interventions will be needed to achieve the level of quality that Medicare patients deserve.” Mr. Schroeder was quoted in the summary of the report on the National Academies Web site.
Funding reward pool
Money for a reward “pool” may come from existing funds, generated savings or direct investment of “new money,” the report said. A combination of the three strategies is also possible, the report said.
Existing funds are those already in the Medicare payment system. In P4P, the reward pool may be created by reducing fee schedules, withholding part of the base payment or imposing Medicare program cuts, the IOM report said.
“Using a reduction in base payments to fund bonuses should be used initially while other, more sustainable strategies are explored,” the IOM report said. “Sustaining the rewards pool through savings generated by improved efficiency and cost-reducing reforms has great potential.”
In the generated-savings model, the reward pool would come from money saved as a result of cost-reduction reforms and the efficiencies afforded by quality improvement efforts. Under the direct investment model, new money would be added from Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Trust Fund or general revenues and redistributed as a bonus over the scheduled payment, the report said.
Funding conundrum
The report urged CMS to study ways to maintain funding sources for bonus payments in the long term.
“The [IOM committee] deferred to Congress to determine by how much to decrease Medicare base payments to create a pool of funds for bonus payments,” the National Institutes summary of the report said. “However, it recommended that the percentage be sufficient to create rewards large enough to motivate health care providers’ participation in real improvements.”
Congress will face a funding dilemma, the report said.
“Most important, there will be concern over whether the program is budget-neutral, that is, whether it will add to government spending,” the IOM said. “In an era of high and escalating budget deficits, lawmakers are likely to object to spending more on a program that is already very costly, with expenditures growing rapidly. Provider groups, on the other hand, will want new funds to be used, arguing that payment rates are already too low and that redistributing a portion of these inadequate amounts will leave some with insufficient resources to do their jobs well and respond to new demands.”
The report noted that physician fees are already scheduled to be reduced in the next several years through automatic yearly adjustments to the Medicare conversion factor, so legislators may have no choice but to appropriate new funds for P4P.
For more information:
- Matt Hasson is an OSN Staff Writer who covers all aspects of ophthalmology and focuses on regulatory, legislative and practice management topics.
- Rewarding provider performance: Aligning incentives in Medicare, the Institute of Medicine report, a part of the Pathways to Quality Health Care series, can be purchased through the Web site of the National Academies: A press release summarizing key points of the report can be read at that same Web address.