March 26, 2011
1 min read

Incoming ASCRS president lays out goals for new year

Edward J. Holland, MD
Edward J. Holland

SAN DIEGO — Three crucial initiatives were discussed by the incoming president of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.

Edward J. Holland, MD, told colleagues at the ASCRS meeting here that a new governance structure is being implemented with the intention of embracing and empowering young surgeons.

"With the creation of new leadership positions, we see the opportunity for energetic young physicians to increase their participation in our society," he said.

Dr. Holland, an OSN Cornea/External Disease Board Member, also discussed the responsibility of ASCRS in promoting dialogue in ophthalmic education concerning the role of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery.

"ASCRS shall be on the forefront of the discussion of the 'if and how' femtosecond cataract surgery fits within the modern ophthalmic practice," he said.

In response to concerns from board members, Dr. Holland spoke about the changing landscape of health care reform, encouraging his colleagues to take a proactive stance and not be complacent in the face of legislation that could potentially undermine patient care and the financial foundations of clinical practice.

"At the federal level, ASCRS legislative activities, in collaboration with other specialty societies, will help shape how the new health care law is implemented," he said.

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