November 10, 2009
1 min read

Higher success rate found for initial trabeculectomy cases with MMC compared with repeat cases

Am J Ophthalmol. 2009;148(5):685-695.

Open-angle glaucoma cases that underwent initial trabeculectomy with mitomycin C showed better overall results than those that had repeat trabeculectomy with MMC at 3 years, a study found.

The retrospective case-control study examined 75 eyes of 67 patients who had repeat trabeculectomy with MMC and 75 eyes of 64 patients who had initial trabeculectomy with MMC. Patients were matched by age, gender, race, diagnosis, preoperative IOP, number of glaucoma medications and lens status.

The study found that initial trabeculectomy cases had a statistically higher cumulative surgical success rate at 3 years for IOP of 15 mm Hg or less and IOP reduction of 25% or more than repeat trabeculectomy cases. Initial cases also had a higher success rate of IOP of 12 mm Hg or less and IOP reduction at 30% than repeat surgery cases.

"Repeat trabeculectomy with MMC is less successful at achieving IOP reduction in open-angle glaucoma than is initial trabeculectomy with MMC at 3 years or more," authors said.

In addition, initial trabeculectomy cases needed fewer medications, they found.