December 02, 2008
1 min read

Higher incidence of strabismus, refractive errors, nystagmus found in patients with NF2

Acta Ophthalmol. 2008;86(8):882-886.

More strabismus, refractive errors and vestibular nystagmus were found in patients with the neurofibromatosis 2 genotype than in the normal population, a study found.

Strabismus was found in 38 of 73 patients (52%) who underwent ophthalmic, neuro-ophthalmological and strabismological examination in a retrospective review of patients with known neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2); 11 of 73 patients (15%) had nystagmus. Myopia ranging from 0.5 D to 7 D was present in 33% of eyes, and hyperopia ranging from 2 D to 4.25 D was found in 8% of eyes. Statistical analyses concerning binocular vision, strabismus, incomitant squint, concomitant squint, nystagmus and nerve VII palsy were done according to genotype.

Ophthalmic features of NF2 include juvenile cataract, retinal hamartomas and tumors of the cranial nerves.

"The present study is, to our knowledge, the first to examine a larger collection of NF2 patients for strabismological and neuro-ophthalmological lesions," the study authors said.