Guidelines assist when performing phaco in post-vitrectomy cases
BERLIN Performing phacoemulsification after vitrectomy procedures requires specific techniques to avoid serious complications, a physician said here.
"Adherence to proper guidelines will optimize the outcome, reduce the intraoperative complications and enhance the postoperative outcome," Arup Chakrabarti, MS, said at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting.
He outlined the most effective techniques for best outcomes in patients who have had previous pars plana vitrectomy and are undergoing cataract surgery. Preoperatively, he said establishing a thorough surgical history of each case and providing counseling is important for patient expectations. Performing surgery early, before the cataract hardens, is also key, he said.
Dr. Chakrabarti presented results of a retrospective analysis that he and colleagues performed. They examined data of 125 consecutive eyes that underwent vitrectomy, followed by phaco with IOL implantation.
They found that the most common complication was posterior capsular opacification in 75 eyes, or 60% of patients, at 1-year follow-up. Dr. Chakrabarti said earlier YAG capsulotomies should be expected in these cases.