Glaucoma meds show similar corneal punctate staining characteristics
After short-term treatment in healthy subjects, latanoprost, bimatoprost and travoprost showed generally similar ocular surface epithelial staining characteristics, a study found.
William Stewart, MD, and colleagues at the Pharmaceutical Research Network in Charleston, S.C., analyzed data from 28 healthy patients to determine short-term conjunctival and corneal punctate staining with use of latanoprost, bimatoprost and travoprost.
No significant changes in the number of individual corneal punctate stains occurred either at trough or at 1 hour after dosing. No significant differences existed among treatment groups in the study eye compared to the nonstudy eye or to the study eye at hour 0 or hour 1, or to the period initiation or baseline visits.
The study, which was sponsored by an unrestricted grant from Pharmacia (now Pfizer), is published in the Journal of Glaucoma.