September 29, 2011
1 min read

Frequent prosthesis adjustments, refits linked with reduced rate of conjunctival thinning

J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2011;48(4):238-246

Patients who underwent enucleation for retinoblastoma and frequently visited the ocularist for prosthesis adjustments and refits had a reduced rate of conjunctival thinning and complete avoidance of implant exposure.

"Increased frequency of visits with the ocularist and number of prosthesis adjustments and refits significantly improved the condition of the implant, fornices, and prosthesis," the study authors said.

The study addressed the effects of prosthesis refitting on porous orbital implant exposure in 100 patients with retinoblastoma who underwent enucleation. Researchers examined patient age at enucleation, gender, implant type, frequency of prosthesis adjustment, and use of chemotherapy or radiation. The primary outcome measures were fornix condition, implant condition, and prosthesis condition and functioning ability.

Results showed that age, gender and use of chemotherapy or radiation did not have a significant effect on any of the outcome variables.

The implant condition was better for porous polyethylene than hydroxyapatite implants (P = .024). Hydroxyapatite implants were used in 82 surgeries performed before 2006; porous polyethylene implants were used in the remaining 18 surgeries.

No implant exposures were observed after a mean follow-up of 72 months.

"These findings are particularly significant for this population, which historically has demonstrated a high rate of implant exposure," the study authors said.