Five year results of viscocanalostomy
LAUSANNE, Switzerland Initial study results indicate viscocanalostomy to be a promising modification of filtering surgery. The study, published in the April issue of British Journal of Ophthalmology, was carried out prospectively to evaluate the success rate and complications of this non-penetrating surgical technique.
Viscocanalostomy was performed on 57 eyes of 57 patients, all of whom had medically uncontrolled primary and secondary open-angle glaucoma, wrote André Mermoud, MD, and associates here with the Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin.
Mean intraocular pressure preoperatively was 24.6 mm Hg. At 36 months postop, the mean IOP was 13.9 mm Hg. The complete success rate, defined as maintenance of IOP below 21 mm Hg, was 60% at 60 months.