April 06, 2009
1 min read

Epi-LASIK platform offers refractive stability at 3 and 6 months postop

SAN FRANCISCO — A new epi-LASIK platform safely and effectively corrected myopia and myopic astigmatism, a speaker said here.

Richard M. Davis, MD
Richard M. Davis

"Surface ablation may be an alternative to LASIK for those preoperative patients at risk," Richard M. Davis, MD, said at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery meeting.

Epi-LASIK procedures were performed with the Zyoptix XP Epi-LASIK platform (Bausch & Lomb) used in conjunction with the Technolas excimer laser (Technolas Perfect Vision). A retrospective interventional case series included 42 eyes with myopia or myopia with astigmatism. Patients with severe dry eye or abnormal corneal topography were excluded. Mean preoperative sphere was –3.42 D and mean cylinder was –0.56 D. Mean preoperative spherical equivalent was –3.70 D.

Efficacy (postop uncorrected visual acuity over preop best corrected VA) was .64 at 1 week, .93 at 1 month, 1.07 at 3 months and 1.06 at 6 months. Safety (postop BCVA over preop BCVA) was .83 at 1 week, 1.02 at 1 month, 1.07 at 3 months and 1.06 at 6 months, he said. At 3 months and 6 months, no patients lost lines of VA; 34% of patients gained one line or more at 3 months and 28% gained at least one line at 6 months.