August 30, 2001
1 min read

Educational course on neuroprotection for glaucoma treatment debuts

SÃO PAULO — Physicians are invited to attend the educational course Neuroprotection: Connecting Research to Ophthalmic Practice to be held here Friday, September 7, from 12:00p.m. to 3:00p.m. during the XXXI Brazilian Congress of Ophthalmology.

The program will explore neuroprotection and its relevance in the treatment of glaucoma. Led by course director Prof. Remo Susanna, Jr., MD, an international faculty of glaucoma experts will present clinical topics surrounding the potential of neuroprotection, including a review of the scientific evidence behind neuroprotection; the differences between neuroprotection and other non-intraocular pressure-related glaucoma management issues; and the latest studies on medications with neuroprotective qualities.

For more information on this course, go to or to register, call +(1) 55-11-3849-0379 or +(1) 55-11-3266-4000.

This meeting is supported by an educational grant from Allergan and is organized by Ocular Surgery News.