February 25, 2009
1 min read

Early results with apodized diffractive multifocal IOLs promising

WAILEA, Hawaii — Early data show that new apodized diffractive multifocal IOLs with +3 D add and +4 D add powers are resulting in improved visual acuity results for near and intermediate vision without diminishing far vision, according to one surgeon.

In a presentation here at Hawaiian Eye 2009, Kerry D. Solomon, MD, said the new ReSTOR aspheric +3 D add and +4 D add IOLs from Alcon provide yet another option for surgeons.

The new IOLs feature a 3.6-mm apodized diffractive zone and equivalent reduction of spherical aberrations and shape as the ReSTOR lens, Dr. Solomon said.

"Bench data indicate that changes may optimize performance without significant impact on expected clinical function," Dr. Solomon said.

Night driving simulations have shown the apodization of the IOLs lessens the effect found in other multifocal IOLs, Dr. Solomon said.

"The ReSTOR IOL directs most of the light energy to distance for large pupils because of apodization," he said.


This presentation revealed data on another new and exciting addition to our armamentarium for helping patients achieve reduction of dependence on glasses after lens implantation. The +3 D add ReSTOR IOL offers a near point that is slightly further out than the +4 add prior version. This offers better intermediate vision than the prior versions. We now have six excellent choices for presbyopic IOL correction with cataract surgery: the Crystalens 5.0, the Crystalens HD, the ReSTOR +4, the ReSTOR +3, the Tecnis multifocal, and the ReZoom IOL. Discussion with the patient can help us to choose which of these IOLs or which combination of these IOLs might be appropriate for any individual patient.

– David R. Hardten, MD
OSN Cornea/External Disease Board Member