June 27, 2006
1 min read

Dual-optic accommodating IOL granted CE mark

IRVINE, Calif. — The Synchrony, a dual-optic accommodating IOL, has received a CE mark from European authorities, according to the device’s manufacturer.

The Synchrony lens “is the first dual-optic accommodating lens developed for both cataract and refractive surgery. It is designed to enable accommodation in patients undergoing cataract surgery who may or may not have a presbyopic condition,” Visiogen, the lens’s manufacturer, said in a press release.

The Synchrony incorporates the dual-optic lens, with a proprietary preloaded injector. The “system” is self-contained, Visiogen said. The lens can be inserted through a 3.6-mm to 3.8-mm clear corneal incision. The lens unfolds in the eye and “features two optics connected by a spring system,” the company said. The springs connect a 5.5-mm high-power anterior optic and a 6-mm negative power posterior optic. The spring action moves the front optic and changes the eye’s focus from near to far, the release said. To date, the lens has been implanted in more than 300 patients in seven countries. The lens is in trials in the United States, the release said.