October 21, 2005
1 min read

Crosslinking with single-segment Intacs improves outcomes in ectasia

CHICAGO — Crosslinking of corneal collagen fibers, used in conjunction with implantation of an intrastromal corneal ring segment, can improve outcomes in ectasia or keratoconus after LASIK, according to a surgeon speaking here.

Munish Sharma, MD, MBBS, told attendees at the American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting that corneal collagen crosslinking with riboflavin, dubbed C3-R, increases the number of corneal collagen molecules. Used in conjunction with one Intacs ring segment (Addition Technology) to treat ectasia and keratoconus after LASIK, the riboflavin significantly improves the lower-upper corneal curvature ratio, he said.

The lower-upper ratio is the relationship between the sums of five upper and lower keratometry values, Dr. Sharma said.

In a study of 56 eyes treated with and without C3-R following implantation of single-segment Intacs, the mean postop lower-upper ratio and the difference from preop to postop lower-upper ratio significantly improved in the C3-R/Intacs group compared with the Intacs-alone group.

“Intacs causes a mechanical flattening, and C3-R augmented the reversal effect of Intacs,” Dr. Sharma said.