Combined phacoemulsification-vitrectomy shows low complication rate
Eur J Ophthalmol. 2009;19(1):37-45.
Combined phacoemulsification and vitrectomy proved safe and effective in treating vitreoretinal disease and concurrent cataract.
"Based on extensive experience with the combined procedure, the authors suggest that combined surgery is recommended in select patients having simultaneous vitreoretinal pathologic changes and cataract," the study said.
The retrospective study included 186 eyes of 149 patients with assorted vitreoretinal disorders and visually significant cataract. All eyes underwent clear corneal phacoemulsification, foldable IOL implantation and pars plana vitrectomy. Primary outcome measures were intraoperative and postoperative complications from 6 months to 56 months after surgery.
Iatrogenic retinal hole was the most common intraoperative complication (5.3%), followed by transient corneal edema (3.2%) and posterior capsule break (2.1%). Postoperative complications included posterior capsule opacification (21.5%), elevated IOP (9.7%), macular edema (8.1%), fibrinous reaction (6.9%), vitreous hemorrhage (3.7%), posterior synechiae (3.7%) and recurrent retinal detachment (3.2%).
After surgery, Snellen visual acuity improved three or more lines in 162 eyes (87.1%). Visual acuity remained within three lines of preoperative levels in 14 eyes and decreased in 10 eyes at final follow-up, the study authors said.