CIBA phakic IOL shows promising results for myopia, hyperopia
NICE, France A phakic posterior chamber IOL appears to be effective in treating both myopia and hyperopia, according to study results presented here.
Six-month results of the study, currently being conducted on the CIBA Vision PRL in 11 centers across Europe, were presented here at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting.
This lens is very promising, especially in the myopic cases, said Bo Philipson, MD, one of the ophthalmologists participating in the study.
Dr. Philipson said 220 patients are enrolled in the study; he presented results on the first 180 patients with 6-month results.
Preoperatively, the mean best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in myopic patients was 0.72. Postoperatively, the mean was 0.9. Uncorrected visual acuity was within 0.5 D of target in 50% of the myopic patients and within 1 D in 80% of the patients. Almost all of the myopic patients gained lines of acuity, he said.
Among the patients with hyperopia, the mean preop BCVA was about 0.4. The postop BCVA remained about the same or improved slightly, he said.
The few complications reported included glares and halos. There was also one case of postoperative cataract, Dr. Philipson said.