Cataract TyPE Specification questionnaire, subscales 'good measures' of cataract patients' vision
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009;35(9):1509-1517.
A questionnaire was an adequate measurement of vision in cataract patients when reviewed with Rasch analysis, a study found.
The study examined the 12-item Cataract TyPE Specification questionnaire, which was self-administered to 294 patients on a cataract surgery waiting list at Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia. The Rasch model was used to determine if the questionnaire and its five subscales' fit validity measurements.
A shorter 11-item questionnaire was also administered to determine connection to a "global rating of vision" question.
"With minor modifications, the Cataract TyPE Spec questionnaire and its glare and near-vision subscales were good measures of visual functioning in the cataract patient," the study authors said.
Removing one item, about nighttime driving, improved the model's fit. Reliability for person-separation was high, at 0.90.
"The principal components analysis of the residuals demonstrated unidimensionality for the 11-item Cataract TyPE Spec and two subscales. However, items were targeted to a less able population. Only two subscales (near vision and glare) were valid," they said.