Capsular tension ring implantation enhances outcomes of accommodating IOL
BARCELONA — The implantation of a capsular tension ring improves the functional outcomes of the Crystalens HD accommodating IOL, according to one surgeon.
"In one occasion, I used the capsular tension ring in one eye with zonular lysis. I was forced to implant the ring, and results were extremely good. From that point on, I started using the CTR in regular cases," Erik Mertens, MD, said at the meeting of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons.
Comparing the outcome of the Crystalens (Bausch & Lomb) with and without the capsular tension ring in two groups of patients, he noted that while distance acuity was approximately in the same range, intermediate and near vision were significantly better with the ring.
"In the CTR group, 94% of the eyes achieved 20/25 or better, and 81% achieved 20/20 or better. In the group without CTR, these rates dropped to 70% and 41%, respectively. At near in the CTR group, 74% of the eyes could read J1, while in the group without CTR, only 28% could read J1 or better," he said.
The percentage of patients never using spectacles for distance or near was 79% in the group with a capsular tension ring and 41% in the group without a capsular tension ring.