BMJ: Public unaware of link between smoking, AMD
Smoking is the strongest modifiable risk factor associated with age-related macular degeneration, but public awareness of this association is low, according to an editorial in the March issue of the British Medical Journal. The public would benefit from increased awareness of the causal association, the editorial asserts.
The article, authored by Simon P. Kelly, FRCOphth, and colleagues, notes that smoking has been linked to several eye diseases, including nuclear cataract and thyroid eye disease. Evidence from three large-scale population-based studies support the link with AMD, the authors said. People who smoke are three to four times more likely to develop AMD, and smoking also decreases the effectiveness of treatments such as argon laser photocoagulation, they said.
The strong association warrants a sustained public health campaign to increase awareness of the ocular hazards of smoking, the authors said.
The finding that smokers develop AMD around 10 years earlier than non-smokers could also be a potent message in public awareness campaigns, they said.