September 17, 2003
1 min read

Blue-filtering lenses do not affect patient perceptions: study

MUNICH, Germany — Patients who are implanted with one standard IOL and one blue-light-filtering IOL after cataract surgery rarely perceive any difference between the two implants, according to a surgeon speaking here.

Khiun Tjia, MD, and colleagues in the Netherlands evaluated a group of 86 patients implanted with an Alcon AcrySof SA 60 in one eye and the Alcon AcrySof Natural in the contralateral eye. A control group consisted of 82 patients implanted with the clear lens.

All patients were contacted by phone and asked to subjectively rate three criteria: differences in color perception between the two eyes, their preference for color and brightness between the two eyes, and whether bright light disturbed them.

“There was no difference between the clear and the yellow lens,” Dr. Tjia told attendees at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting. “There was no significant difference in eye preference in the group with both the clear and yellow lens implantations. It is possible for patients with a clear lens in one eye to be able to have a yellow lens implanted in the second eye without any differences in color and brightness perception.”