Bandage contact lenses may aid treatment of refractory corneal ulcers
A large-diameter bandage contact lens may help manage refractory vernal corneal ulcers, according to a recently published case series.
Say Aun Quah, FRCOphth, and colleagues treated two children with refractory vernal corneal ulcers using a 22-mm Contaflex T75 hydrogel bandage contact lens. One patient, a 10-year-old boy, had been unsuccessfully treated with topical prednisolone and olopatadine. The other patient, a 4-year-old boy, could not tolerate topical medical treatment because of ocular discomfort caused by the ulcer.
In both cases the ulcer resolved after 2 weeks of treatment with the lens. Additionally, the second child had an improvement in ocular comfort and began tolerating treatment with topical prednisolone, according to the study.
The study is published in the September issue of Eye & Contact Lens.