B&L launches Zyoptix 100 at ESCRS
MUNICH, Germany Bausch & Lombs customized wavefront system, Zyoptix, has been updated to include an iris recognition tracker and a 100 Hz laser source, according to the company, The newest iteration, called Zyoptix 100, was launched here at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting.
According to B&L officials, to date more than 100,000 procedures have been performed worldwide with the Zyoptix system, and officials expect to receive U.S. Food and Drug Administration for approval by the end of this month.
Of particular interest with Zyoptix treatment, according to Gordon Balazsi, MD, are an increase in contrast sensitivity from preoperative levels and an improvement in night vision postoperatively.
This statistically significant result has never been seen in refractive data before, he said during a press conference to introduce the new system.
The newly introduced iris recognition tracker includes identification and compensation for cyclotorsion, shift in pupil center and z-axis, Dr. Balazsi said. Optimal choice of 2-mm or 1-mm spot size is also offered.
After treating more than 5,000 patients himself with the Zyoptix system, Dr. Balazsi said Everyone is treated with Zyoptix unless I can find a reason not to treat them with the Zyoptix.
The eye tracker features a camera-sampling rate of 240 Hz, according to company materials. The clinical trial results for the Eyetracker are on par with the U.S. Zyoptix FDA results, which are the best reported data to date, according to company materials.