B&L launches aspheric IOL at AAO
NEW ORLEANS An IOL with aspheric optics on both its anterior and posterior surfaces was introduced here at the American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting.
Bausch & Lomb representatives said the SofPort AO lens will be available to surgeons immediately. Except for its aspheric optics, the new foldable silicone IOL has the same design as its predecessor, the companys SofPort SE lens.
Louis D. Nichamin, MD, who said he has implanted about 35 of the new IOLs, said the double-aspheric design is more forgiving for surgeons than other aspheric IOLs such as the Tecnis from Advanced Medical Optics. He said the Tecnis, which induces negative spherical aberration to counter the naturally occurring positive spherical aberration in the cornea, can create higher-order aberrations if it is decentered.
The SofPort AO is designed to have no spherical aberration.
Until we have the ability to create customized IOLs to account for all the errors in the patients visual system, we need a lens that is neutral, that will not add to patients existing higher-order aberrations, Dr. Nichamin said.