Artisan lens fixated behind iris for aphakic correction
BREMEN, Germany Fixation of an Artisan IOL behind the iris in aphakic patients may be an alternative to suturing a posterior chamber IOL to the sclera, according to a study here.
Surgeons here implanted the Artisan IOL into 48 aphakic eyes. IOL power calculations were estimated with an A-constant of 116.8. The lens was inserted through a 5-mm corneal incision and fixed in the retropupillary position.
The implantation was successful in all patients. Visual acuity improved in 27 patients, remained unchanged in 18 patients, and worsened in three patients.
The study authors said the ease of this implantation procedure may have advantages over the more common but more challenging procedure of suturing an IOL into the ciliary sulcus for correction of aphakia.
The study is published in the July issue of Der Ophthalmologe.