Accommodative IOL may provide good visual outcomes
ISTANBUL, Turkey — An IOL provided satisfactory visual outcomes for distance as well as near, according to a surgeon.
"The lens is based on the biomimetic principle. Both the hydrogel material and the geometry of the lens simulate some of the key properties of the crystalline lens," Ioannis Pallikaris, MD, said at the winter meeting of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons.
The WIOL-CF (Gel-Med International) is packaged in a partly dehydrated state. Taco-folded, it can be implanted through a 2.8-mm incision. Once in the eye, it absorbs water to become a large, disc-shaped IOL.
"The large, continuous aspheric optic assures lens centricity and reduces photic phenomena even with large-diameter pupils," Dr. Pallikaris said.
He implanted the lens bilaterally in 25 patients. Mean follow-up is approaching 1 year.
All patients had significant improvement of vision at all distances, and 68% were able to read J1 or J2, he said.
- Disclosure: Dr. Pallikaris has no direct financial interest in the products discussed in this article, nor is he a paid consultant for any companies mentioned.