Accommodating IOL effective in improving vision over the long term
CHICAGO Implanting presbyopic patients with the Synchrony dual optic accommodating IOL results in a consistent improvement in near and distance vision, according to a speaker here.
"The Synchrony dual optic accommodating IOL provides very good visual acuity over a wide range of distances," said Victor M. Bohórquez, MD, at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery annual meeting.
"Both visual acuity and refraction remain stable over the 24-month follow-up period," he said.
Dr. Bohórquez and colleagues evaluated outcomes for 21 patients implanted with the Synchrony accommodating IOL (Visiogen). The patients averaged 64 years of age and were followed out to 24 months.
After implantation, the mean uncorrected and best corrected visual acuities were better than 20/25 and were consistent between all follow-up evaluations, Dr. Bohórquez said.
In terms of distance-corrected near visual acuity, more than 90% of patients had 20/40 vision at 24 months, he said.
Also at 24 months, 75% of 20 patients who responded to a quality-of-life survey reported never wearing glasses, while 20% reported wearing glasses for less than 2 hours a day and one patient reported wearing glasses for more than 2 hours a day. Additionally, 95% of patients were able to work with computers without glasses, and 75% could read fine print without glasses.
"When asked about optic phenomenon, over 75% of patients implanted with Synchrony showed no halos or glare," Dr. Bohórquez said. "Only one patient had moderate halos, and two patients had moderate glare."