Issue: March 2008
March 01, 2008
2 min read

AIOS President calls for reform within the society

Issue: March 2008

BANGALORE — After being installed as the newest president of the All India Ophthalmological Society, K.P.S. Malik, MBBS, MS, DOMS, MNAMS, FICS, called for widespread reformations in the society.

K.P.S. Malik

“We have bureaucratic functioning in AIOS where anything new is opposed, be it electoral reform, continuing medical education or ethics. Before an idea starts taking shape, a president becomes an ex-president,” Dr. Malik said. “I am a different person, friends. I don’t give up. I walked 3 miles to school from my village in wild western U.P. My legs became strong enough to stand and fight. I am putting a few ideas before you, and with your support, I intend to pursue them as president or no president.”

Specifically, Dr. Malik said he aims to institute absentee voting for AIOS offices so that more than 10% of the 11,000 members can participate despite not attending the annual meeting.

Additionally, he said that he wants to eliminate the requirement that the secretary and treasurer must hail from a metropolitan area rather than a smaller town. Dr. Malik also called for more participation from the “excellent lady surgeons, speakers and academicians” of AIOS, to increase their office holdings from the current 4%.

Newly inaugurated president, K.P.S. Malik, MBBS, MS, DOMS, MNAMS, FICS, lit the lamp
Surrounded by past presidents, outgoing officials and honored guests, newly inaugurated President K.P.S. Malik, MBBS, MS, DOMS, MNAMS, FICS, lit the lamp.

G.V.S. Murthy, MBBS, MD, MSc, speaks during a session
G.V.S. Murthy, MBBS, MD, MSc, speaks during a session presenting initial results of the Indian Age-related Eye Disease Study.

Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Kanti Mody, FRCS, DO, FRC Ophth,  presented on cataract surgery
Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Kanti Mody, FRCS, DO, FRC Opth, presented on cataract surgery.

Guest of Honour, GN Rao, MD, lights the candle
Flanked by outgoing president, Taraprasad Das, FRCS (left), and Chief Guest, Hon. Justice MN Venkatachaliah, Guest of Honour, GN Rao, MD, lights the candle.

Looking toward larger issues, Dr. Malik discussed ethics, improving education, monitoring equipment suppliers, and balancing technology and commercial interests.

“Almost every president of AIOS in the last 10 years has emphasized the need for a ‘moral code of conduct’ for our members, but what we observe is the naked dance of greed, materialism, one-upmanship, advertising, false claims and machine pedaling,” he said. “In the process, the humane, caring physician has taken a back seat and this noble, divine profession has taken a nosedive.”

Dr. Malik concluded his speech by thanking his family, teachers and peers.

P. Namperumalsamy, MBBS, DO, MS, presented keynote address
P. Namperumalsamy, MBBS, DO, MS, who also received a Lifetime Achievement Award, presented his keynote address on better screening for diabetic retinopathy.

G.N. Rao, MD, charged AIOS members with fulfilling the greatness he sees possible in Indian ophthalmology
Guest of Honour, G.N. Rao, MD, charged AIOS members with fulfilling the greatness he sees possible in Indian ophthalmology.

The society’s inaugural ceremony was opened with an invocation by Mr. Ritvik Rajan, an 18-year-old blind singer from Bangalore

The society’s inaugural ceremony was opened with an invocation by Mr. Ritvik Rajan, an 18-year-old blind singer from Bangalore who recently participated in an international singing competition.

Images: Altersitz K, OSN

A note from the editors:

To facilitate bringing news to readers rapidly, for OSN SuperSite articles and meeting wrap-up articles, OSN departs from its editorial policy and typically does not send these items out for source corrections.

For more in-depth coverage of the All-India Ophthalmic Conference, please see page 1 of the Ocular Surgery News Europe/Asia-Pacific Edition and