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September 05, 2019
1 min read

SLACK Incorporated announces the winner of The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing’s Innovation Award

SLACK Incorporated is excited to announce the winner of The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing’s 8th annual Innovation Award.

The winning article, “Five-Year Program Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Practice Scholars Program,” appeared in the December 2018 issue of The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, vol. 49, issue 12, pages 547-554.

Congratulations to authors Heather R. Royer, PhD, RN; Pamela Crary, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, VHA-CM; Elizabeth Fayram, PhD, RN; and Susan M. Heidrich, PhD, RN.

Dr. Royer is Nurse Scientist, Dr. Crary is Nurse Manager Evidence-Based Practice, Research and Magnet, Dr. Fayram is Chief of Nursing Evidence-Based Practice, Innovation, Research and Magnet (Retired), and Dr. Heidrich is Nurse Scientist (Retired), William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin.

This award recognizes excellence in writing and evidence of the expansion and/or dissemination of knowledge in the field of nursing professional development related to creativity and innovation, innovative educational strategies, evaluation methodologies, documentation of changes in practice, or contributions to the development of new knowledge.

According to Lynore D. DeSilets, EdD, RN-BC, Chair of the Award Committee, said, “The judges selected this article, ‘Five-Year Program Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Practice Scholars Program,’ because it offers an example of a successful program designed to engage staff in EBP and develop a cadre of EBP mentors within each clinical unit. The outcome was a significant increase in staff self-efficacy, and the promotion of staff engagement in EBP, organizational leadership, and professional development. The endeavor has been foundational in motivating and sustaining a strong culture of inquiry. This program can serve as a model for others to follow in enhancing EBP in their institutions.”

Stephanie Arasim Portnoy, Senior Vice President, SLACK Incorporated, added, ”JCEN is proud to recognize research that supports scholarly mentorship through the implementation of evidence-based practice. Nursing students who utilize EBP as a practice tool will eventually pass that knowledge along to their colleagues and that care to their patients. Practitioners who place an emphasis on EBP will transform the nature of health care.”

The award winner was announced in the September 2019 issue of The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing.