Nephrology News & Issues Current Issue

The following articles appeared in the print edition of Nephrology News & Issues.
Table of Contents
- Onconephrologists focus on protecting kidneys from dangers of cancer treatment Mark E. Neumann
- ASN, NKF express concern about US Preventive Services Task Force research agenda for CKD Shawn M. Carter
- Clinical chemistry organization, NKF release guidance on racial and gender gaps in CKD Shawn M. Carter
- Diuretic with renin-angiotensin system inhibitor slows CKD progression Justin Cooper
- FDA approves Veklury for COVID-19 treatment in patients with severe renal impairment Shawn M. Carter
- FDA questions Outset Medical’s marketing of Tablo dialysis products Mark E. Neumann
- Infection-related deaths from dialysis have declined but risk remains high Shawn M. Carter
- Kidney Care Partners expresses disappointment with proposed dialysis payment increase Mark E. Neumann
- Lower mortality rates found for patients using hemodiafiltration vs. high-flux dialysis Mark E. Neumann
- Medicare enrollees with kidney disease have ‘disproportionately higher’ medical costs Shawn M. Carter
- Rockwell Medical buys hemodialysis concentrates business of Evoqua Justin Cooper
- RPA: Nephrologists will likely see up to a 1% decrease in pay under Medicare proposal Mark E. Neumann
- Study: Alpha blockers seen as safe for blood pressure control in patients on dialysis Justin Cooper
- Transplant service files suit against United Network for Organ Sharing over access to data Mark E. Neumann
- Use of SGLT2 inhibitors may not increase fracture risk in patients with CKD Shawn M. Carter
- Women on dialysis were more stressed, slept worse during COVID-19 emergency vs. men Justin Cooper
- Administrators need a game plan for crisis management in dialysis care Caprice Vanderkolk, RN, BS, MS, BC-NE
- KDIGO looks at important issues for women and kidney health Giorgina Piccoli, MD; Christina Wyatt, MD
- Health care policy fellowship helps practitioners understand intricacies of ESRD program Elizabeth Kurtz, MD
- Proposed ban on noncompetition agreements could impact dialysis, nephrology practices J. Scott Humphrey
- High rate of donated organs going unused is costing lives Barry Massa
- Response Kenneth Andreoni, MD; Ginny L. Baumgardner, MD, PhD, FACS