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April 06, 2022
1 min read

NKF announces Medical Advisory Board Distinguished Service Award winner

Amy Wilson, MD, pediatric nephrologist at Indiana University School of Medicine and Riley Children’s Hospital, will receive the Medical Advisory Board Distinguished Service Award from the National Kidney Foundation.

Wilson serves as a medical advisory board member on the NKF of Indiana (NKFI), is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and a member of the AAP section of nephrology executive committee.

Amy Wilson

“I was surprised and flattered to receive this award,” Wilson said in the release. “Often in medicine, we volunteer time and our intellectual resources with no expectation of recognition or reward for it. During this tough year, a year I often had to share with NKFI disheartening information related to the pandemic, it’s lovely to be recognized for the effort.”

In addition to her many roles, Wilson is on the NKFI Board of Directors and has served as the NKFI Kidney Camp Medical Director for more than 6 years. She also directs the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring program at Riley Children’s Hospital.

“Pediatric nephrology is a small and highly specialized community, thankfully because kidney disease is rare in children, so working with NKFI has been a wonderful opportunity for me to connect in a broad way with others in this effort to raise awareness about prevention and early detection,” Wilson said in the release. “As a pediatric nephrologist, I think I have a unique window into the impact kidney health has on multiple systems of the body. The complexities of those interactions are endlessly fascinating to me, and it is so good to share what I know in this way.”

Wilson will be presented with the award at the NKF Spring Clinical Meetings.