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June 04, 2021
1 min read

NKF launches nationwide advocacy group for equitable health policies, improved kidney care

The National Kidney Foundation has launched a nationwide program wherein patients and health care professionals can collaborate with elected officials in advocacy efforts that address the prevention and management of kidney disease.

Kevin Longino

According to a press release, the program, entitled Voices for Kidney Health, seeks input from individuals with a wide range of backgrounds to ensure the sought-after policies are inclusive and representative. These individuals, known as voice advocates, will then work with leaders at the local, state, and national levels to enact their agendas. Policy areas of interest include the following:

  • expanded access to home dialysis;
  • protection of living kidney donors;
  • promotion of health care equity;
  • educating the public on kidney disease risk factors (including diabetes, hypertension and obesity); and
  • garnering investment for disease prevention and other research endeavors.

“Voices for Kidney Health advocates work tirelessly to advance pro-kidney health policies that will help prevent or delay kidney disease,” Kevin Longino, CEO of the NKF, said in the release. “We are deeply grateful for the many voices united across the country in their efforts to push for legislative and policy victories like the national immunosuppressive drug coverage legislation that passed last December, as well as state bills passed to protect living organ donors. These individual stories make up a collective voice that strengthens our ability to secure additional victories for the 37 million adults in the U.S. affected by kidney disease.”