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May 21, 2021
1 min read

Outset Medical allies with home-based care coalition

Outset Medical Inc. has joined the health care coalition Moving Health Home, according to a company press release.

Moving Health Home unites health care companies in improving federal and state policies that will let patients receive clinical care from home, according to the release.

“Through collaboration with forward-thinking leaders in the health care space, we aim to encourage policymakers to reimagine the home as a site of care for clinical treatment, such as for chronic disease management,” Krista Drobac, founder of Moving Health Home, said in the release.

Outset Medical joins stakeholders like Amazon Care, Landmark Health and Signify Health in the coalition. Moving Health Home was established in March 2021. According to the release, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the demand for better home-based care. Outset Medical offers the Tablo Hemodialysis System as an option for patients requiring dialysis to use in the hospital or at home.

Leslie Trigg

According to Outset Medical’s website, studies have shown home dialysis can lead to fewer hospital visits and longer life expectancy and gives patients the ability to continue working.

“When patients are diagnosed with kidney failure, they are led to believe they have few choices and little agency, and that they must adapt to the traditional care delivery system, not vice versa,” Leslie Trigg, president and CEO of Outset Medical, said in the release. Trigg added, “We look forward to working with Moving Health Home to advance the home health care movement with local and federal policymakers and to improve the patient experience overall.”