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March 19, 2020
1 min read

American Kidney Fund outlines efforts for Kidney Month

LaVarne A. Burton

The American Kidney Fund has released a plan to bring greater awareness to kidney health during the month of March, according to a press release.

“With 37 million Americans affected by chronic kidney disease and many millions more at risk, it's urgent to keep kidney disease at the forefront of public awareness,” LaVarne A. Burton, president and CEO of AKF, said in the release.

According to the release, the AKF will try to raise public awareness and increase education on kidney disease (especially related to early interventions) with a website, social media and digital communications. Video content and an educational webinar have been designed to address common risk factors for kidney disease including diabetes, hypertension, family history, obesity, race/ethnicity and older age.

March’s efforts also expand on the Know Your Kidneys initiative (launched in November 2019) which, in addition to a webpage providing educational content and guides for doctor-patient discussions, includes the largest free kidney health screening program in the United States. For Kidney Month, AKF will provide free public kidney health screenings in Baltimore, Nashville, Richmond and Washington, D.C.

“Our Know Your Kidneys campaign is helping to overcome the lack of knowledge about how important the kidneys are to a person's health and well-being, and how vital it is to prevent kidney disease or slow its progression,” Burton said. “We are so grateful for the support and partnership of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson as we work to change the trajectory of kidney disease in this country.”

For more information, or to donate, visit AKF’s Kidney Month webpage.
