National Kidney Foundation addresses possible repeal of the ACA
The National Kidney Foundation released a statement addressing how the ruling in the case of Texas v. United States, which repeals the Affordable Care Act, may leave patients with pre-existing conditions unprotected from affordable health care and insurance coverage.
The statement noted the ruling would leave patients with kidney disease “without the necessary protections to ensure that they are not denied access to or charged more for health insurance coverage due to their condition.” Without key protections that are part of the ACA, the NKF is concerned that patients may face a lifetime of unpredictable costs and discrimination in insurance coverage and benefits.
“Chronic kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the United States, and those who progress to end stage renal disease require dialysis or a kidney transplant with a lifetime need of immunosuppressive drugs to survive,” according to the statement. “This ruling jeopardizes the lives of patients and undermines critical progress made in ensuring more kidney patients have access to health care, including earlier intervention and transplants.”