George Washington University report finds increasing salaries for new nephrologists
An analysis authored by George Washington University – Health Workforce Institute researchers of the American Society of Nephrology’s annual survey of fellows in training showed an improved job market and increased salaries for nephrologists who enter practice.
According to a press release, the George Washington University report found a trend of an improving job market and an increase in salaries; however, the job market was significantly better for U.S. medical graduates compared with international medical graduates. Although lifestyle factors were a concern for many fellows in training, most said they would recommend nephrology to current medical students and residents.
“Among nephrology fellows who had searched for a job, perceptions of local nephrology job opportunities maintained the improvement of recent years for both U.S. medical graduates (USMGs) and international medical graduates (IMGs),” Edward Salsberg, MPA, George Washington University – Health Workforce Institute principal investigator, said in the release. “Fellows’ anticipated salaries in 2018 were higher than in previous years; the median anticipated salary range for all demographic groups (by educational status and sex) was $180,000 to $189,999 — excepting male IMGs reporting a median of $190,000 to $199,999 — and the mean anticipated salary was $198,000, up from $187,000 in 2017.”
The report noted fewer than two in five respondents who searched for jobs said they had difficulty finding a satisfactory position, a decrease from 45.6% in 2017. The percentage of respondents who changed plans due to limited nephrology jobs in 2018 continued to decline, down to 28.9% from 42.9% in 2015.