Representatives introduce bill to give ESRD patients access to Medicare Advantage
On July 8, Representatives Jason Smith, R-Missouri, John Lewis, D-Ga., Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla., and Kurt Schrader, D-Ore., introduced legislation that would give end-stage renal disease patients the choice to enroll in Medicare Advantage plans. H.R. 5659, the "Expanding Seniors Receiving Dialysis’ Choice Act of 2016," or ESRD Choice Act, would remove current government rules and restrictions preventing ESRD patients from accessing the plans.
“We commend Congressmen Lewis, Smith, Bilirakis, and Schrader for introducing this pro-patient legislation to ensure kidney failure patients have equal access options to coordinated care services that support quality outcomes, improved efficiencies and a positive patient experience. We look forward to working with these lawmakers to build support for this legislation,” said Dr. Franklin Maddux, Kidney Care Partners chair.