End Stage Renal Disease National Coordinating Center provides new vascular access tools for dialysis patients
The End Stage Renal Disease National Coordinating Center (ESRD NCC) has made new additions to the vascular access materials and Lifeline for a Lifetime toolkit for dialysis patients and professionals. The tools are available for download on the ESRD NCC website. These tools were developed by the Fistula First Catheter Last (FFCL) Workgroup Coalition, which is comprised of leaders from CMS, ESRD networks, and the renal community at large, as part of its ongoing efforts to increase the use of AV fistulas and decrease the use of tunneled dialysis catheters.
These FFCL Workgroup Coalition tools are designed to promote catheter safety while a patient is progressing towards an AV fistula or an AV graft, and to aid renal professionals as they educate patients about the importance of planning and caring for an AV fistula or AV graft.
The newest tools include resources for the One Minute Catheter Check and a Spanish language version of the Access Planning Manual. The complete toolkit for patients and providers can now be found in one central location and includes the following educational resources encouraging the one minute catheter check, vascular access planning, and vascular access monitoring:
- Videos that can now be downloaded and saved for continued use
- Downloadable PDFs and interactive files for patients and professionals
- Patient resources available in both English and Spanish
- Resource Download Center for convenient access to and downloading of all educational materials