November 13, 2017
1 min read

Amgen Foundation gives American Kidney Fund $100,000 for disaster relief efforts in Puerto Rico

The American Kidney Fund said it has received $100,000 from the Amgen Foundation to help fund its disaster relief efforts in Puerto Rico. Nearly eight weeks after Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, the American Kidney Fund continues to provide grants to dialysis patients who need assistance to pay for medications, special diet foods, and personal essentials lost in the storm, as well as transportation to treatment.

The Amgen Foundation has also supported AKF’s disaster relief efforts for Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, providing grants of $20,000 for each of the two hurricanes. The $100,000 grant is the single largest gift to AKF’s Disaster Relief Program this year, bringing the total from the Amgen Foundation to $140,000 for 2017.

Including the newest grant from the Amgen Foundation, AKF has now raised $490,000 for disaster relief in 2017. The organization has provided nearly $650,000 in disaster relief this fall to 3,000 dialysis patients affected by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, as well as the wildfires in Northern California. AKF continues to accept contributions toward disaster relief at