UM-KECC seeks technical expert panel to review vascular access measures for dialysis patients
The University of Michigan Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center (UM-KECC) is seeking nine people to serve on a technical expert panel to review the National Quality Forum endorsed Vascular Access measures (Minimizing Use of Catheters as Chronic Dialysis Access, and Maximizing Placement of Arterial Venous Fistula) and consider possible changes to the existing measures, including potential risk adjustment.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has contracted with UM-KECC to review the measures.
TEP requirements
UM-KECC is looking for nine individuals with the following perspectives and areas of expertise:
- Nephrologists and nurses with expertise in chronic dialysis and vascular access; interventional radiologists and nephrologists; researchers in the area of vascular access; and surgeons with expertise in dialysis vascular access.
- Patient/consumer/family perspectives and experiences
- Health care disparities (experts in treatment of pediatric and geriatric populations
- Performance measurement
- Quality improvement
- Purchaser perspective
- Expertise in Medicare dialysis data
Individuals wishing to participate on the TEP should understand that their input will be recorded in the meeting minutes, UM-KECC said. Proceedings of the TEP will be summarized in a report that is disclosed to the general public. If a participant has disclosed private, personal information by his or her own choice, then that material and those communications are not deemed to be covered by patient-provider confidentiality. Only patient participants can request to keep their names confidential.
All potential TEP members must disclose any current and past activities that may pose a potential conflict of interest to performing the tasks required of the TEP. All potential TEP members should be able to commit to the anticipated time frame needed to perform the functions of the TEP.
TEP members will be reimbursed for their travel expenses to the TEP in-person meeting.
The TEP Charter and Nomination form can be found on the CMS website:
If you wish to nominate yourself or other individuals for consideration, please complete the form and email it with your CV and letter of interest to: dialysisdata@umich.eduby close of business (5:00pm ET) on Feb. 5, 2015.
Patient nominees for TEP
UM-KECC is seeking patients who can provide unique and essential input on these quality measures, based on their own experiences and outlooks as dialysis patients, particularly as they relate to vascular access type or related issues and complications of vascular access. Patient nominees should submit a completed and signed TEP Nomination Form and letter of interest as described below but are not required to submit a curriculum vitae.
The TEP Charter and Nomination form, as well as a project overview, can be found on the CMS website: