June 10, 2014
1 min read

MEI releases 2.0 version of aid to help match dialysis options with CKD patients

The nonprofit Medical Education Institute has released a 2.0 version of its free, web-based decision aid, My Life, My Dialysis Choice, to help people with chronic kidney disease choose which type of dialysis will be the best fit for their lifestyles and health values. The tool is available at http://mydialysischoice.org/

"Dialysis is so much more than just a medical treatment—it affects every aspect of lifestyle, from diet to travel, work, sexuality, even sleep," said MEI Executive Director, Dori Schatell. "But, most people who need dialysis don't know what it will mean for their day-to-day lives. Our new tool will let them choose the values that matter to them, then 'try on' each of four main types of dialysis and rate which ones seem like the best fit. At the end, a graph will show them what they chose."