Home Dialyzors United conference to feature awards for service, advancement in the renal community
This year’s 2013 Home Dialyzors United (HDU) Meet Up and Conference will be in Orlando on Oct 13 – Oct.15, 2013 and the conference will open with an awards banquet on Oct. 13 that will honor members of the renal community for outstanding service, achievement and innovation.The award honorees exemplifies the commitment to patient-centered dialysis and advancement and innovation in home dialysis, according to Home Dialyzors United.
There will be two awards; the Christopher R. Blagg Distinguished Service Award for outstanding medical practice and the Home Dialyzors United Trailblazer Award for outstanding organizational achievement.
Christopher R. Blagg Distinguished Service Award will be presented to Christopher Hoy, MD, who as been the Medical Director and Administrator for the Home Dialysis Programs at the Rubin Centers in Albany, N.Y., for his lifetime service in nephrology and the advancement of home dialysis. Since 1998, he has been responsible for overseeing short daily hemodialysis, remotely monitored nocturnal home hemodialysis, CAPD and CCPD. He championed the first home hemodialysis program in New York offering patients the benefits of more frequent treatments at home.
Home Dialyzors United Trailblazer Award will be presented to the home dialysis team of the Washington University Renal Division in St Louis for the development of the innovative home dialysis program which contributed to improving home dialysis treatment and quality of life for patients and their families. The Washington University Renal Division has one of the oldest, and largest dialysis practices in the United States. They have been recognized as 'one of the best' by U.S. News & World Report every year since the ratings began, according to Home Dialyzors United.
A second Home Dialyzors United Trailblazer Award will be presented to the Renal Division of the University of Missouri at Columbia for its continued effort to educate renal professionals on home dialysis at its Annual Dialysis Conference.