February 05, 2014
1 min read

FMCNA to present award to home hemodialysis advocate at Annual Dialysis Conference

On Feb. 9 during the Annual Dialysis Conference in Atlanta, Fresenius Medical Care Renal Therapies Group will present its annual Pioneer in Excellence award to John Cannady, a Mount Airy, Pa. resident on home hemodialysis.

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FMCNA is recognizing Cannady’s commitment to home hemodialysis and his role as a patient advocate. He has been in treatment for more than 20 years and has dedicated most of those years to giving back and helping other patients, FMCNA says. In 2004, Cannady switched to home hemodialysis and “hasn’t looked back,” the company said in a statement about Cannady. Since switching to home dialysis, “he finds himself advocating to other patients regarding the benefits of home hemodialysis and volunteers his time to educate others,” FMCNA said. He has served on the National Kidney Foundation’s Patient Advisory Committee and as an active member of his local ESRD Network. Through his advocacy work, he has spoken to community members, physicians, and presented to legislators in Washington about the impact of renal disease.

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The annual Pioneer in Excellence award is a national award presented by Fresenius Medical Care Renal Therapies Group to patients with exceptional patient advocacy experience and dedication to growing the modality of home hemodialysis.

In addition to the award presentation, Fresenius Medical Care Renal Therapies Group will host three live interview sessions at its booth with home hemodialysis patient Jack Tomlin III.

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Presentation of the Fresenius Pioneer in Excellence Award will be made at 4:30 pm at the company’s booth (# 510) in the exhibit hall at the Georgia World Congress Center.