ESRD Networks 6, 14, and 8 merge to form Alliant Quality Kidney Collaborative
Alliant Health Solutions (AHS) has completed its merger of two End-Stage Renal Disease Networks— End Stage Renal Disease Network of Texas Inc. (Network 14) and the Southeastern Kidney Council Inc. (Network 6).
The two ESRD Networks will join existing AHS subsidiary Network 8 Inc. With these mergers, AHS is establishing the Alliant Quality Kidney Collaborative, which will serve ESRD patients in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. The networks will retain their independent boards and organizational structures, according to AHS.
“The combined expertise and capabilities under AQKC will provide additional opportunities for collaboration, coordination and efficiencies. But most importantly, AQKC will amplify the impact of quality improvement initiatives resulting in strategic advantages primed to benefit our customers,” said Dennis White, president and CEO of AHS.
Southeastern Kidney Council (Network 6) became the contractor for Georgia, North and South Carolina in 1988.“We have enjoyed a long-standing collaborative, productive partnership with Alliant; formalizing this relationship will provide resources and opportunities to allow us to build additional partnerships and expand our impact,” said Dr. Barry I. Freedman, Southeastern Kidney Council chair.
The End Stage Renal Disease Network of Texas Inc. (Network 14) has served Texas ESRD patients since 1978. “We will remain Texas-based, working with Texas physicians and practitioners while expanding our resources and partnerships,” said Dr. Charles Orji, Chairman of ESRD Network 14.
"Under AQKC, the Networks will be more empowered to pursue the strategic objectives of CMS in a more efficient manner. We incorporate patient-centeredness as a core value in our quality improvement efforts and these mergers increase our capacity to deliver on this promise,” said Jerry Fuller, Network 8 Executive Director.