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Drinking more coffee and tea lowers the risk for developng multiple cardiometabolic disorders.
September 17, 2024
3 min read

Drinking moderate amounts of caffeine may cut risk for multiple cardiometabolic diseases

Zoonotic Infections News

July 25, 2019
1 min read

33% of animal-use probiotics contain pathogens; spillover to humans documented

A study of animal-use probiotics in China showed that approximately one-third contained “life-threatening” pathogens, and that colonized animals shed pathogens into the environment, facilitating spillover to humans.

July 22, 2019
1 min read

Colorado State University receives $9.5M to develop Rift Valley fever vaccine

Colorado State University receives $9.5M to develop Rift Valley fever vaccine

Colorado State University announced a $9.5 million partnering agreement with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, to develop a single-dose vaccine for Rift Valley fever, or RFV.


Drinking more coffee and tea lowers the risk for developng multiple cardiometabolic disorders.
September 17, 2024
3 min read

Drinking moderate amounts of caffeine may cut risk for multiple cardiometabolic diseases

July 19, 2019
1 min read

Hooked on ID with Niraj C. Patel, MD, MS

Hooked on ID with Niraj C. Patel, MD, MS

Although subspecialization training encompassing two fellowships is almost unheard of, this experience is where I began my journey in infectious disease clinical practice. As a fourth-year medical student rotating on the pediatric infectious disease service, getting the opportunity to observe the breadth of disease in the category, gain a deeper understanding of “bugs and drugs” and hone my diagnostic skills from truly gifted physicians was awe-inspiring. What impressed me most was that all of the attendings I met were both excellent diagnosticians and had excellent general practitioner skills.

July 18, 2019
3 min read

New skin test for bovine TB outperforms standard assay

New skin test for bovine TB outperforms standard assay

A new skin test for detecting bovine tuberculosis has shown equal or better sensitivity in diagnosing TB in cattle than the widely used standard assay, according to a recent study.

July 11, 2019
4 min read

Nigeria monkeypox outbreak shows evidence of human-to-human transmission

Nigeria monkeypox outbreak shows evidence of human-to-human transmission

Since 2017, Nigeria has been experiencing the largest documented outbreak of human monkeypox caused by the West African clade of the virus, with some evidence of secondary human-to-human transmission, according to a newly published clinical and epidemiological report.

July 08, 2019
3 min read

82 cases of rat lungworm disease reported in Hawaii over 10 years

82 cases of rat lungworm disease reported in Hawaii over 10 years

Over a 10-year period in Hawaii, health officials identified 82 cases of rat lungworm disease, two of which were fatal, according to findings published in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

July 08, 2019
2 min read

HEV in pigs a ‘permanent zoonotic disease risk’

HEV in pigs a ‘permanent zoonotic disease risk’

Hepatitis E virus circulates in domestic pigs and represents a “permanent zoonotic disease risk,” particularly among occupationally exposed individuals, according to a recent study performed in Hanoi, Vietnam.

June 28, 2019
2 min read

Texas man contracts rare eye infection caused by trematode

Texas man contracts rare eye infection caused by trematode

A man in southern Texas became only the second person ever in the United States diagnosed with philophthalmiasis, a rare eye infection caused by a certain trematode, according to a report published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases.

June 24, 2019
2 min read

Researchers investigate nonbite transmission of P. multocida

Researchers investigate nonbite transmission of <i>P. </i><i>multocida</i>

SAN FRANCISCO — Researchers investigated 79 cases of pet-associated Pasteurella multocida infection that occurred over a 30-month period and found that 34 were not associated with a bite from a dog or cat, the usual mode of transmission, according to findings presented at ASM Microbe.

June 17, 2019
1 min read

Hooked on ID with Joseph D. Cooper, MD

Hooked on ID with Joseph D. Cooper, MD

It was my first week of intern year, in the medical ICU. He presented in extremis and died within 90 minutes. He was reportedly bitten by his dog 3 days prior. I remember leaving the MICU in tears, overcome with emotion, feelings of guilt and helplessness, wishing I could have changed his outcome. When his admission blood cultures later grew Capnocytophaga canimorsus, I was intrigued. I was unfamiliar with the organism at the time and yearned to learn more. Henceforth, I was “hooked on ID,” forever.

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