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May 01, 2020
28 min listen

A Mixed Bag

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This episode features questions regarding the use of masks, the use of steroids, universal PPE, antibody testing, convalescent plasma, COVID-19 in pets and whether hydroxychloroquine has any effect on the cytokine storm.


From Gail D. Deyle, DSc, of the Brooke Army Medical Center, in San Antonio, Texas:

“The information available to the general public has ranged from masks do very little to help reduce the spread of the virus, to statements that if 80% of the population wore a mask, most transmission would be stopped. Consistent with current evidence, and distinct from fears of the general public competing with healthcare providers to purchase masks, what benefit do homemade and other masks provide? Is your family wearing masks?” 

From Mike Putman, MD, of Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University:

“I'd love to hear the panel talk about steroids.”

From Adam Cheifetz, MD, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center:

“How contagious are carriers prior to being symptomatic and for how long after diagnosis are you still contagious?

“When will we see a serology test to determine if someone, ourselves included, have already had COVID-19?”

From Masoud Sakhaei, MD, of Baptist Health in Jacksonville, FL:

“Most likely, COVID-19 will be with us. Until we have a vaccine or cure, we do have to find a balance between livable society and avoidance of infection and fatality.  We need a better universal PPE to be cheap and abundant for everybody to be able to go back to work and be protected.”

“We need universal screening to collect antibodies from recovered individuals in case somebody got sick. I’d like the panel’s opinion on this.”

From Scott Harris, MD, a retired cardiologist previously in private practice in Texas:

“Does the activity of hydroxychloroquine in reducing cytokine levels in vitro have a possible beneficial effect in blunting the cytokine storm?”

From Marcia Miller-Hjelle, PhD, of the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria:

“Why have veterinarians not been brought into the mix of providing information and studies, such as are cats and dogs carriers of COVID-19? Hopefully, someone is testing this.”

From Stephen Hanauer, MD, of Northwestern University:

“We are planning a meeting in December, but faculty are concerned about recycling of the virus. Are there any predictions on what will happen when we return to socializing and winter returns?”

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Disclosures: Pai reports serving on the advisory boards of Abbvie and Gilead Sciences.



Disclosures: Pai reports no relevant financial disclosures.