Infectious Disease News Current Issue
The following articles appeared in the print edition of Infectious Disease News.
Table of Contents
- In shadow of COVID-19, TB vaccine research enters new era Caitlyn Stulpin
- AI-generated score could predict prognosis of outpatients with COVID-19 Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Algorithm reduces broad-spectrum antibiotic use for UTIs by 67% Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Allergy labels have negative effects on antibiotic use, clinical outcomes Caitlyn Stulpin
- ART reduces risk that children with HIV will die from TB Ken Downey Jr.
- Biden unveils COVID-19 advisory board, says ‘bold action’ needed to fight virus Ken Downey Jr.
- Black, Latinx HCWs most likely to have COVID-19 Caitlyn Stulpin
- Broken sewage pipe might have caused small COVID-19 outbreak in China Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Carbapenem-sparing cUTI treatment shows superiority to piperacillin-tazobactam Eamon N. Dreisbach
- COVID-19 vaccine trials provide rush of good news as cases mount Gerard Gallagher; Eamon N. Dreisbach; Caitlyn Stulpin
- Critically ill patients with COVID-19 have worse outcomes vs. those with flu, study finds Erin T. Welsh, MA
- Deadly Chapare virus transmissible from human to human, researchers say Caitlyn Stulpin
- DRC’s latest Ebola outbreak declared over after 55 deaths, more than 100 cases Caitlyn Stulpin
- FDA issues series of EUAs for COVID-19 therapies, at-home testing Jason Laday; Janel Miller; Caitlyn Stulpin; Stephanie C. Viguers
- FDA OKs baloxavir marboxil as postexposure prophylaxis for flu Gerard Gallagher
- Flu during pregnancy associated with late-term pregnancy loss, reduced birth weight Caitlyn Stulpin
- ‘Good progress’ being made in RSV prevention research Ken Downey Jr.
- HIV patients in care are hospitalized substantially less often than in the past Caitlyn Stulpin
- IDSA continues to recommend remdesivir for COVID-19, departing from WHO Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Less than half of infants born to women with HCV, cirrhosis screened for HCV Katrina Altersitz
- Long-acting injection superior to daily oral HIV PrEP in cisgender women Caitlyn Stulpin
- Mass azithromycin distribution propagates antibiotic resistance Caitlyn Stulpin
- Measles killed 207K people in 2019 as cases hit 23-year high Gerard Gallagher
- Minimal monitoring program achieves SVR in hepatitis C Katrina Altersitz
- More than 1 million children in US have been diagnosed with COVID-19 Ken Downey Jr.
- Mosquito genetics could explain lack of large Zika outbreak in Africa Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Offit: Three reasons Americans may hesitate to get a COVID-19 vaccine Ken Downey Jr.
- Pandemic did not interrupt HIV treatment during trials assessing long-acting ART Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Pandemic-related measures lead to decline in other respiratory illnesses Caitlyn Stulpin
- Projection shows COVID-19 cases could nearly double by inauguration Caitlyn Stulpin
- Q&A: Is convalescent plasma effective for COVID-19? Caitlyn Stulpin
- Rate of HIV-related deaths in US falls 48% Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Religion tops list of reasons HCWs request flu vaccine exemption Caitlyn Stulpin
- Risk factors may identify asymptomatic C. difficile carriers Caitlyn Stulpin
- Rotavirus vaccine not associated with intussusception in Indian study Ken Downey Jr.
- SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness peaks in first week after symptom onset Ken Downey Jr.
- Study: Antibiotics noninferior to appendectomy for appendicitis Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Tick species twice as likely to target humans over dogs at high temperatures Eamon N. Dreisbach
- Why are there effective vaccines against COVID-19 but not TB?
- Hooked on ID with Aditya Shah, MBBS
- Acute kidney injury with COVID-19 shows potential for ‘lifetime’ impact Melissa J. Webb, MA
- Data show ‘massive’ decrease in medical spending as COVID-19 pandemic evolved Janel Miller
- Study: COVID-19 risk slightly lower for mask wearers Erin Michael
- Clinicians will play ‘critical role’ in maximizing uptake of COVID-19 vaccine Janel Miller
- Hope on the horizon for increasingly drug-resistant gonorrhea Maggie Cooper, PharmD; Kati Shihadeh, PharmD, BCIDP