March 08, 2018
4 min watch

VIDEO: Women increase presence at conference

BOSTON — More women than men presented findings at this year’s Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections — a first for the meeting, according the organizers.

Thursday, March 8, is International Women’s Day. To mark the occasion, Infectious Disease News spoke with several conference attendees about the role of women in the field of infectious diseases and the hurdles that must be overcome to achieve equality.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to tell you there are so many women presenting at CROI this year,” Jeanne Marrazzo, MD, MPH, professor and director of the division of infectious diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said in an interview. “My message to you on this special day is to push against the forces that might not want to let you be on the stage. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo. If you feel you have something to say, if you have work that you feel is important, you really have to prioritize it, and you need to get allies. And many of those allies should and will be women.”

For more interviews on this topic, click here.

Disclosure: Marrazzo reports no relevant financial disclosures.