VIDEO: Amita Gupta, MD, MHS, reviews TB prevention in patients with HIV
In this video with, Amita Gupta, MD, MHS, associate professor medicine and international health and deputy director of the Center for Clinical Global Health Education at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, discusses research related to the prevention of tuberculosis in patients with HIV.
According to Gupta, “HIV is your number one risk factor for developing active TB disease.”
One trial, IMPAACT P1078, is being conducted among women with HIV in Africa, Asia and Haiti to determine “if we can safely use [isoniazid] with antiretroviral therapy as part of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission package.”
It’s also “a very exciting time” for addressing TB prevention among people who live with or come into contact with patients with HIV who have multi-drug-resistant TB, according to Gupta. She reviews ongoing trials of levofloxacin and delamanid in this area.
“Currently, the WHO and… the CDC don’t have any specific guidelines about what to do for preventing such a person from developing TB,” Gupta said.