WHO prequalifies novel male circumcision device for HIV prevention
A novel device for voluntary medical male circumcision has received prequalification from WHO for use, according to a press release.
Developed by the Wuhu Snnda Medical Treatment Appliance Technology, the ShangRing is the first device prequalified for adults and adolescents aged 13 to 17 years. It contains two concentric plastic rings that lock over the foreskin, requires no sutures, results in minimal bleeding and is disposable, the release said.
“The ShangRing is very simple to use and reduces the time needed to perform male circumcision by about half, compared to conventional procedures,” Jairus Oketch, RN, of the Homa Bay District Hospital, Kenya, said in the release. “Expanded use of the device will enable countries to deliver safe, efficient, high-quality male circumcision to more people and thus reduce the spread of HIV.”
The ShangRing received WHO prequalification based on five trials conducted among more than 1,900 adult African men and more than 350 adolescents. Previous data suggest that circumcision can reduce male acquisition of HIV through vaginal intercourse by up to 60%, according to the press release.
“This is a major milestone toward improving access to voluntary medical male circumcision, which will help to prevent HIV acquisition in low-resource settings and contribute to the international efforts to achieve an AIDS-free generation,” Shang Jianzhong, device inventor and board chairman of Wuhu Snnda, said in the release.